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HVAC Upgrade – How To Choose A New Air Conditioner

HVAC Upgrade – How To Choose A New Air Conditioner

When your air conditioner starts causing problems with increasing regularity and fails to perform optimally. It might be time for a new air conditioner. You can continue to try to repair your HVAC system. Thus, at a certain point you will simply be throwing good money after bad, and a replacement will make more sense. Air conditioning in Jacksonville is important and you need to know that you have an air conditioning unit that you can rely on to perform.

Buying a new air conditioner is a considerable purchase and one that you need to consider carefully. When you’re buying a new air conditioner, you want to ensure that it stands the test of time. Make sure it will serve you well for many years to come. No matter what kind of budget you are working with, you will be able to find a new air conditioner that will be able to provide a comfortable environment for you and your family moving forward. However, before you choose a new AC unit, it’s important to carefully consider a few key elements.

Let’s take a look at just a few things you need to consider when you are buying a new air conditioner to replace your broken air conditioning in Jacksonville.

The Optimal AC Unit

In most cases, home cooling systems fall into two broad categories: central air conditioners and ductless air conditioners. Common air conditioning system installed in homes in Jacksonville allows cold, dry air to be blown throughout the house via the network of ducts. It is characterized by three main parts: outside condenser, indoor air handler with a blower and evaporator coils. In contrast, ductless units consist of only two parts: outdoor unit and indoor air handling unit.

Take some time to consider which type of AC unit will work best for your needs and your budget before you proceed with the installation of your new air conditioner.

Consider Energy Efficiency

Modern air conditioning units are much more energy-efficient than their older counterparts. When you are replacing your old unit, you should take this opportunity to install an energy-efficient system that can help you to reduce your energy bills and your carbon footprint. Check the SEER (Seasonal Energy Efficiency Rating) of the units you are considering determining how energy efficient they are. New air conditioners will typically have a minimum SEER score of 14 or higher.

Think About Size

When it comes to air conditioning in Jacksonville, bigger isn’t always better. An oversized system will inefficiently cool your home, resulting in frequent on-off cycles and higher energy bills. To find the right-sized unit, calculate your home’s square footage and consider factors like insulation, window type, and number.

Choose The Right Air Conditioner For Your Home

Choosing a new air conditioner for your home can be an overwhelming task. However, with a few key considerations, you can be sure that you will find the perfect unit for your space. For assistance with installing your new AC unit, be sure to get in touch with our team at Elite AC LLC. Our expert technicians will help you to choose and install the best AC system for your property so that your home is cooled efficiently to provide the optimal living conditions for you and your family.

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