A Tip From Your Honest AC Repair Jacksonville Team

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A Tip From Your Honest AC Repair Jacksonville Team

Honest AC Repair Jacksonville

A Tip from Your Honest AC Repair Jacksonville Team

Update Your HVAC Now & Reduce Your 2018 Tax Burden

Looking for reliable and honest AC repair in Jacksonville? Partnering with a trusted team like ours ensures your HVAC system runs smoothly all year. Regular maintenance is crucial, and staying informed about new industry standards and potential issues can save you time and money.

Energy-Related Tax Credits

As the year winds down, it’s the perfect time to consider updating your HVAC system. Did you know there are energy-related tax credits that can save you money? Congress renewed the Residential Renewable Energy Tax Credit, allowing homeowners to deduct up to 30% of the cost of certain Energy Star-approved appliances, including geothermal heat pumps. These systems can heat or cool your home and heat water for various activities. To qualify for this credit, the system must be installed and in use by the end of 2019. The credit percentage will gradually decrease until it expires on December 31, 2021.

Investing in a high-performance, energy-efficient HVAC system not only saves on energy bills but also offers a significant tax incentive. Start comparing brands and warranties now to take advantage of these savings before the year ends.

Retroactive Tax Credits

In addition to the current incentives, Congress also reinstated a retroactive tax credit for the 2018 Budget. While this credit isn’t refundable, it allows homeowners to claim it in future years if they don’t meet the requirements for the 2018 tax year. This credit is lower, offering up to 10% of the product purchase or $500 on most appliances and systems, with some appliances having caps between $50 and $300. All eligible systems must meet Energy Star standards.

Why Choose Us?

At Elite AC LLC, we pride ourselves on delivering exceptional service and expertise. Our experienced technicians are dedicated to helping you find the best solutions for your home. By updating your HVAC system with us, you not only improve your home’s comfort but also take advantage of valuable tax credits.

Don’t miss the opportunity to reduce your tax burden. If you purchased a complete HVAC system or any energy-efficient home appliance in the past ten years, check with your accountant to see if you can claim a residential energy tax credit for 2018.

Schedule Your Inspection Today

If your HVAC system is starting to show signs of age and frequent issues, now is the time to act. Schedule an inspection with our trusted AC repair technicians in Jacksonville to discuss Energy Star-certified solutions and how you can benefit from these tax credits.

Contact Us

Have questions about your HVAC system or need advice on the best solutions for your home? Contact Elite AC LLC today to learn more and schedule a consultation. Stay comfortable and save money with the help of your trusted AC repair team in Jacksonville!


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